Mounted Mixidisc

The Mounted Mixidisc is available from 3-6 metre working widths with power requirements from 100-230 hp. There is also the option of mounting the sumo seeder, to establish small seeds suh as OSR and cover crops.
The Mounted Mixidisc is a machine designed for high speed stubble cultivation, to quickly incorporate and mulch large volumes of crop residue and create a micro tilth in the soil, for the fast germination of volunteers and weed seeds in one pass.
It can also be used for seedbed preparation, straw harrowing or furrow leveling, with low power requirements.
- 500mm diameter discs mounted in pairs on independent rubber suspended arms set at an optimum angle and spacing.
- Patented Multipacka featuring 509mm barrel and shouldered rings for optimum firming of the soil and leaving a weather proof finish.
- Working depth between 20mm-140mm with 20mm increment adjustment.
- Soil retainers as standard.
- Hydraulic folding.
- Road lighting kit.